GBH- Enroll

Interested in keeping your gallbladder, stopping the pain, dissolving gallstones and not experiencing gallbladder attacks???

Heal your gallbladder without surgery.

You are DONE trying cleanse after cleanse, worrying about every.single.bite of food you take and thinking you’re gonna die.

Because TODAY is the day YOU DECIDE that you WILL be a Gallbladder Survivor who will enjoy life once again.

You will be able to: 

  • heal your gallbladder from home, 
  • on your own schedule and
  • repeat those protocols as many times as you want until you achieve the results you’ve been wishing for for quite some time.

DISCLAIMER: I’m NOT a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, homeopathic doctor or anything like that. But I can provide you with tips to minimize your gallbladder pain.*

Finally, you can get EVERYTHING you need to heal your gallbladder naturally.

The best part is that you’ll be able to heal without having to set foot in a hospital– which is ESPECIALLY scary during these coronavirus times we’re living through.

Gallbladder Healing School is the program where you will become an EXPERT on your OWN body and what helps you heal your gallbladder the best. 

No more piecing together random tips from 10 different sites and four different online and offline experts and hoping that their tips work, when in actuality, they’re barely helping you move your healing forward. Instead, they’re causing you to become more hopeless about being able to avoid surgery.

It’s time to become your own health advocate and your own health expert.

Strategic process.

There are many moving parts in your body and many different factors that contribute to your healing.

For example, your intuition, lifestyle, exercise, mentality, current gallbladder situation, and oh yeah, actually implementing the healthy habits and then evaluating how much they’re helping you move forward on your healing journey are just some of the moving parts! It’s A LOT to wrap your head around and incorporate into your life, BUT there’s no reason for it to be as complicated as it sounds.

And there is DEFINITELY NO REASON for you to do it alone.

Gallbladder Healing School is THE way in which I help self-motivated ladies with gallstones to eliminate gallstones, eliminate gallbladder pain and eliminate gallbladder attacks the simple way.

Now it’s your turn to experience this transformation.

I've found the simplest path to minimizing the pain, dissolving your gallstones naturally, eliminating pain and creating and staying gallbladder-attack-free for years.

  • You’ve been Googling remedies for days, weeks, maybe even months, or Heaven forbid, years. You find a tip, try it for some time, but nothing really sticks or helps you feel CONSISTENTLY and increasingly better. You’re starting to think that maybe TikTok has the answer and a background song to go with it.
  • You’ve tried cleanses in which you drink a couple of nasty concoctions at the end and just the thought of starting that cleanse for the umpteenth time is making you perpetually shake your head and facepalm yourself.
  • You think you’ve finally found the path to never, ever, EVER get another gallstone attack, but one wrong bite and there you go again— spiraling into some of the worst pain and fear womankind has ever experienced.
  • You toss and turn during the night when you have gallbladder attacks and you just HOPE and pray that you’ll get to see tomorrow’s sunrise.
  • You save the gallbladder surgeon’s number on your phone with hesitation but just in case you need it.
  • You worry that you didn’t clean your bedroom well enough, and if you die, people will have to come into this bedroom to get you out. And you feel embarrassed on top of it all.
  • You can start crying right now just THINKING you could potentially leave your kids without a mother.
  • Your mind wanders to your favorite vacation spots and much of the joy of going there (after the pandemic) wears off because you think you’ll never be able to enjoy the food that you enjoy there.
  • You dream of being able to eat without fearing every bite you take.
  • You want to carry your kids, put them in bed, change their clothes, read them a book and let them hug you without fear that they will hurt you.
  • You wish the shoulder pain or the sensation of being stabbed in the back goes away ASAP.
  • You want to heal naturally, with no downtime, to just be, love and serve your family. And you want this healing to last because you feel you don’t have the luxury of being sick. And you know deep down that in order to get to the healing side of your journey, you have to do the work to address the CAUSE of your gallstones and not simply go to a hospital, get your gallbladder removed and call it a day— only to experience additional difficulties down the road.

Maybe you’re already a pro at doing gallstone flushes and you’ve done so many, that you’re expecting a medal from someone any day now.

Maybe you have absolutely NO IDEA how to heal your gallstones naturally or that you even have the OPTION to heal naturally.

You just want a solid healing plan that has worked for many people so you can avoid surgery.

You just want someone to hand you the WHOLE blueprint for reducing and then eliminating your gallbladder pain, dissolving gallstones and preventing yourself from going through another gallbladder attack EVER again. 

You don’t want to guess what healing path to take, you just want someone to tell you what to do so you can start healing and minimizing the pain TODAY.

It's time to build a consistent healing lifestyle that allows you to live pain free day after day, week after week, month after month and year after year.

You will do so by doing mentality exercises, change your nutrition, incorporate movement (when possible) and make little, simple shifts that make a HUGE difference.

By implementing this healing blueprint you will not only survive gallstones, you will thrive.

Gallbladder Healing School is like medical school for YOUR OWN BODY and wellbeing.

Look, I know you’ve read the blogs, watched the YouTube videos and signed up to download eBooks for how to eliminate your gallstones, the pain they cause and prevent gallbladder attacks – but you feel more confused than ever, trying to piece together what to eat, what not to eat, under what conditions to eat, when it’s safe to eat, why some remedies work for some people but not for you, etc.. 

However, YOU are COMMITTED to healing naturally! You want feeling well to be your natural state of being once again. But you are overwhelmed by conflicting information and too many things you “could” do, “should” do, “shouldn’t” do.

Not only is following everybody’s advice overwhelming, you feel guilty that you’re doubting what your doctor is saying, your sister is saying and your own mother is saying would be the best path for you.

You wish someone would just take you by the hand and give you permission to ignore people who’ve you listened to all your life not just to be a rebel for the sake of being a rebel but because your intuition feels that there is a less intrusive way to deal with gallstones than with surgery. 

You wish that someone could guide you through each step of the healing process in an empathetic way so that you started seeing the progress you’ve been wishing for and know deep down you CAN experience.

You wish that you had advice from someone who actually been able to heal their gallbladder naturally to help you and guide you with compassion in order for you to feel less alone and less of a hippie for thinking and truly believing that you can heal naturally.

You need the training, the tools, the strategy and the support from someone who has been in your shoes and continues to live and thrive with their gallbladder inside them, but with no gallbladder attacks for over two years and nine months.

Oh, hi, that's me! I'm Haydee and I'm here to help you reduce your gallbladder pain, then eliminate it, help you dissolve your gallstones so that you can live free of gallbladder attacks, like me.



Imagine what it will feel like when you finally get rid of the shoulder pain or stabbing-in-the-back pain that you thought you had to live with, for the rest of your life.

Imagine what you’re going to feel like once you are living your life in a way that supports your gallbladder and the rest of your body by following protocols by Anthony Robbins, the Medical Medium and a plethora of lifestyle suggestions that I will give you to help you as a lady and as a mom so that you can feel more ALIVE every day. 

FYI: Anthony Robbins is the author of a series of books that teach people how to heal almost all of the ailments. You are welcome to go check out his collection now. If you want advice from someone who’s had gallstones, like me, to help you navigate not only his books but the shocking and painful experience that gallstones cause, then you’ll benefit from having an ally in me. You will need his book either way because we want to honor his creation as well, but I’ll be your guide in what works the best and fastest in what he proposes and most importantly, I will provide you with lifestyle changes that you can start implementing TODAY to start alleviating pain TODAY.

Imagine what it’ll feel like when:

  • You are able to be fully present with your children and focus on loving them instead of worrying constantly about you, your pain and it becoming more intense after a given meal.
  • You get to go to family gatherings, restaurants, vacations knowing what foods would benefit you and which your body is better without because you have done the work (in a short-cut kind of way) of getting to know what sits well with your body and what doesn’t. 
  • Your friends and family tell you that you look radiant and you are pretty sure that it’s because you finally have some life-force in your body and your will to live is stronger than ever.
  • You are able to extend the benefits of treating your body well, eating well and moving with your family now that you’re more informed than most of the population and have access to nutritional knowledge that is decades ahead of what the doctors know.

Whether you want to eliminate gallstones that have given you issues (symptomatic gallstones), eliminate gallstones that haven’t given you issues (asymptomatic gallstones) or cleanse your body to prevent gallstones, this course will be able to help you meet your gallbladder wellness goals and give you health benefits that you didn’t even know you needed. 

You're ready to start healing your gallbladder naturally, but you’ve got a lot of questions!

“How do I even start this process?”

“How do I convince myself that this can work?”

“How can I trust myself more than I’ve trusted my life-long doctor?”

I know, there can be a lot of questions and confusion at the beginning of your healing journey. After all, it’s the first time you’ve had gallstones. If you don’t have a plan to follow, it can be VERY easy to:

  • make mistakes, 
  • do the wrong type of gallstone flushing that does more harm than good, 
  • Waste money buying the wrong things
  • (Most importantly) waste time in the pursuit of feeling better but not actually feeling better
  • Waste time in general

All of these things and more, can get you off track. They can cause you to never be able to experience the empowerment of actually healing yourself. You can be a bite and a gallbladder attack away from giving up on healing naturally and simply deciding, after a lot of effort on your part, to simply give up and get your gallbladder taken out.

While there are cases in which that is the only option— for most people, meaning the majority of people with gallstones, CAN heal naturally if only they have the right process. 

Without guidance and support, you will inevitably come up against challenges you didn’t anticipate (lucky for you, I’ve been on this healing path for years and I know what it’s like to heal even in a busy time of life such as when being a mom of little ones).

That’s why I created Gallbladder Healing School and put together the ultimate course for healing your gallbladder naturally!

I combine a written e-course, with mindset work, workbook activities, nutritional protocols (from Medical Medium), exercise suggestions and lifestyle tips and even roadblock training to make sure that you have everything you need to be free of gallbladder pain.

Gallbladder Healing School is like no other program you've experienced before.

Gallbladder Healing School with items

I will provide the lessons, product recommendations, an activity workbook, lifestyle tips and motivation to move you through self-doubt to feeling a sense of accomplishment. I will help you go from feeling miserable to feeling that natural healing is possible.

These tools, workbook and strategies in this program will save you hundreds of hours (of looking for remedies) and quite a bit of money from buying the wrong things.

I provide you with the step-by-step training with a high level of compassionate support in the course.

The result is that you will have everything you need to heal your gallbladder and be able to feel alive again and focus on the things, people and dreams you WOULD be giving your attention to if gallstones hadn’t gotten in the way. 

Sign up for Gallbladder Healing School now!

Your life BEFORE Gallbladder Healing School:

  • Daydreaming about what life was life before you got gallstones and wondering if you can ever move the way you moved, dance the way you danced, eat what you ate, and be pain-free like you were before.
  • Googling random strategies you find on social media, hoping something gets rid of the pain once and for all, but nothing seems to help.
  • Trying things out of order and therefore not seeing your healing progress as efficiently as it could be progressing. Not knowing what to do is wasting your time. And with gallstones, time is of the essence and the clock is ticking… because if you’re not actually IMPROVING the gallstone situation, it’s getting worse.
  • Having no healing strategy—  meaning you’re winging it… and it shows in your lack of consistent results. Yes, a tip you try here or there might work, but then, you most likely get another gallbladder attack and there you are, trying to reconfigure what to do, when to do it, and hoping that moving forward, your health improves. And let me tell you, rethinking your healing strategy in the middle of a gallbladder attack shows that there was something better that you could have done and haven’t done it. But don’t worry, the reason you haven’t done it is probably because you don’t know what to do. That’s what I’m here to teach you.
  • You have no consistent healing results and if you’ve done any gallstone flushes, you’re stuck doing them over and over again thinking that they’re helping and that maybe when you do an insane amount of them you’ll heal, when in actuality, they’re potentially making your situation worse and keeping you in a wrong-remedy hamster wheel.
  • Your pain continues to be there, meaning your gallstones and their way of aggravating your body are there, too.

Your life AFTER Gallbladder Healing School:

  • You know exactly what to do next to ease your pain immediately and be pain-free faster than you believed was possible.
  • You feel and look more radiant than you have in a long time, maybe even ever.
  • You feel empowered and thankful that you listened to your intuition and that you can keep your gallbladder and be pain-free for years.
  • You are an expert on you… who knows what can trigger gallbladder attacks in general, what triggers them in you specifically, and therefore you prevent them.
  • You look forward and become more and more confident that one month from now (at the latest), you will have had ZERO gallbladder attacks. 
  • If you happen to feel your gallbladder, which for people who have gallstones is almost code for your gallbladder getting your attention, you know exactly what to do to get right back on track in minutes and prevent a gallbladder attack. You’re playing offense now, not playing defense. You are not a victim anymore, you’re your body’s superhero.
  • As a bonus, you have inspired your spouse to be healthier and take care of themselves after they see the immense amount of progress you’ve made.
  • Your kids are also healthier, with stronger immune systems and hardly ever get sick thanks to the fact that they become fruit and veggie-loving children. They even say phrases like “This food is very healthy, ” in their adorable child voice.
  • You can help your extended family avoid a gallbladder surgery (because we all know how common those are)– so, in way, you’ll be their hero, too.
  • You are educated on the human body and know things that the medical industry won’t know about or recommend for 10, 15, 20 years or more.
  • By addressing your liver, which is like the captain of your body ship, you’re able to improve the health of not only your gallbladder but your body as a whole and possibly heal other ailments unrelated to your gallbladder that you’ve been struggling with for quite some time — or maybe didn’t even know you had.
  • People will notice that you feel better, look better and will start asking you what you’re doing. And for some people who aren’t in your inner circle, you’ll look SO good that they’ll NEVER even know that you were suffering from gallstones, because gallstones will become a non-issue for you for days, weeks, months and then years.
  • If you happen to tell someone that you healed your gallbladder naturally, they’ll first of all be surprised that you could accomplish that and they’ll admire you for that achievement. And whether they’re very traditional when it comes to Western medicine or not, you would have planted a seed in their mind that maybe, just maybe, there’s another way to heal.
  • You can go back to living your life, and now you will be more informed about the lifestyle choices that you make and how they impact you. You’ll feel in control. You’ll BE in control.
  • You’ll be able to do maintenance food cleanses the right way to get the most amount of benefit in the shortest amount of time, with the least amount of sacrifice because these food cleanses taste good AND make you feel good in general almost immediately.
  • You can feel peace KNOWING that you are being given a new lease on LIFE, thanks to your efforts (instead of worrying that you’re hanging on to life by a thin thread). You can then give your attention to your family, your loved ones, your dreams and goals. You’ll feel well enough to be present with those people and to continue pursuing your dreams. 
  • And you will have learned by then that taking good care of yourself, mentally spiritually and physically is not a luxury but rather a necessity and that you deserve having wellness habits in place to enjoy your life more for years and decades to come.

What's included in Gallbladder Healing School?

Gallbladder Healing School includes access to a framework that will improve your mindset, body and nutrition via the 9-module course and a comprehensive workbook.

Gallbladder Healing School

Gallbladder Healing School

This course is the most comprehensive guide to starting your gallbladder healing, doing your gallbladder cleanse and living life AFTER that initial cleanse.

It takes you from feeling doubt, worry and fear that life threw this gallbladder curveball at you TO being pain-free, more vibrant and even more thankful that as a result of having had gallstones, you and your family are now leading a more health-conscious life. It’s not a restrictive life, it’s an empowered life.

You’ll be able to dissolve gallstones painlessly and eliminate your gallbladder pain.

First, I will want to empathize with you and sit next to you IN your pain because you won’t be learning from someone who has no earthly idea what it’s like to have a gallbladder attack, but from me, someone who has experienced several gallbladder attacks and still thinks it’s a miracle that I survived them. I feel your emotional pain. And hardly anybody who is an expert in gallstones can tell you that because they have no clue what it feels like. And it’s important that you know that I KNOW. My course is rooted in empathy, practicality and results.

Then I’ll tell you what you can do right NOW to alleviate your physical pain, because if you and I are going to get to work on your healing, you need to start easing the pain immediately. Do deserve to feel better right away. You’ve suffered WAY too long already.

The tips that I share aren’t hypothetical, they’re tips that have healed me because they are the most cutting-edge protocols that doctors aren’t even familiar with. And no, they’re not dangerous. They’re based on common sense and are VERY gentle to your body. And the vast majority of them will even be enjoyable for you. You’ll use a handful of the tips that I share with you daily, not because a doctor told you to, but because you’ll see with your own eyes and feel with your own body how beneficial they are to you and you’ll WANT to do them.

Gallbladder Healing School Workbook

My primary purpose behind creating this Gallbladder Healing Course was to create a course to help you heal. And I know that often, when we take courses, if we don’t put things into practice as we’re taking the course, then it’s really possible that information goes in through one ear and right out the other.


This workbook will guide you through the course lessons so that you can understand and fully embrace your motivation, tap into your intuition, implement the lifestyle tools, adopt nutritional tips, plan out your cleanse and continue to enjoy a pain-free lifestyle after your cleanse.

The most comprehensive and effective gallbladder healing course on the internet.

What others have to say:

“Thank you for your tips. I couldn’t have done it without you.”  – Connie

“Thank you for being my life teacher and for sharing everything you do.” – Manuela

You can take Gallbladder Healing School from anywhere in the world especially from your bed or couch.

Gallbladder Healing School serves students from all over the world. You are going to heal while other people are healing. Other people will be going through the positive changes you’ll be going through.

You can complete the program from the comfort of your couch, kitchen table or bed as long as you have an Internet connection! The program is digital so you can access it from anywhere through our private course portal.   

You’ll have access to Gallbladder Healing School as soon as you sign up so you’ll be able to start implementing the tips and lifestyle choices to help you heal as soon as possible.

You're a good fit for Gallbladder Healing School if:

✓ You’re ready to recognize that the ultimate expert on your own health is you but you’re still open to get help.  

✓ You already know that health changes require sacrifices but you’re willing to make them because you KNOW YOU’RE worth it.  

✓ You know what a cleanse is. You won’t get hung up on doing a cleanse now that it matters most.

✓ You’re ready to implement most of the exercise, nutritional and lifestyle tips I share with you… but you’re also able to tap into your own body to keep doing more of what’s beneficial for you.  

✓ You’re ready to invest time, money, effort, and resources in yourself and your health to heal sooner, rather than later.  

✓ You’re ready and willing to take feedback and trust this system – it only works if YOU actually DO the work!

Questions Related About Time

What's the time commitment?

The honest answer is, it depends on you and your current health. Everybody’s healing path is unique because healing largely depends on how many toxins are in someone’s body. Toxins and inflammation are factors in how healthy or unhealthy you are. Plus, some people can take this course as a preventative measure (so their journey will be shorter since they’re just trying to prevent gallstones and clean their liver). Others can have sludge in their gallstone. Others can have small stones. Others can have large gallstones. Some have a few stones. Some have many stones. Some have asymptomatic stones, meaning they feel fine because the stones aren’t causing them any pain (but they know that they have stones). Others have constant pain because they have symptomatic gallstones. Others have sporadic pain. So it depends. One thing I can tell you though and that is that you’ll get out of this course the work that you put in… so it’ll be time well invested. Best of all, if you have pain, you can start reducing it from Day 1 and keep progressing as the days go on. Having a plan will make this process easier. It’ll be much better than feeling alone, feeling afraid, and feeling hopeless, as if you were going through this whole in the dark.


Keep in mind, some people take longer to heal and that is fine! Their body is detoxing and becoming stronger at its own pace. You can help it along further by committing to doing the right things continuously.

How long does it take to implement everything in this amazing, life-changing course?

First of all, let me just assure you that this course isn’t meant to be rushed. But of course, you want to do it ASAP so you can start seeing results and feeling better.


And as I told you above, literally every BODY is different. 


Also, there are tips that I’ll encourage everybody to do… and there are other tips that you’ll use depending on whether you need them or not. So at the end of the day, the goal isn’t to drink all the water from the firehose (and do every.single.thing I recommend), the goal is to start drinking water consistently, literally and metaphorically. That means to implement as much as you can for the sake of HEALING and not for the sake of just checking off an item on your to-do list. 


The best thing you can do is START this course and commit to doing it every day until you’re finished. The goal is purposefully going through the journey— not just getting to the destination. You WILL experience healing along the way so simply put one foot in front of the other.


You’ll be getting the greatest amount of benefit during the 9-day cleanse and right after it. During that phase, you’ll be eliminating toxins that are part of the root cause of your gallbladder troubles. Gallstones are actually caused by oversaturation of your liver. 


You can start doing this cleanse in about a week or two from now depending on how fast you go through the material and get the things you need for the cleanse. However, I don’t recommend that you rush through the course without taking the time to go through the lessons or do the activities because they are the foundation that will help you in this cleansing journey that you’re embarking.


I’ll be guiding you with the psychological, emotional, physical, nutritional and exercise process throughout the course. By the end of the course, you’ll feel VERY empowered. And that’s my greatest desire for you, aside from you being able to heal your gallbladder and dissolve your gallstones. Because after all, this course isn’t meant to be a crutch. It’s meant to help you feel stronger and pain-free so that you can continue making wise choices for the rest of your life.


I’ll be the friend holding your hand through this seemingly dark time so that you can soon feel vibrant again and continue living your light-filled life.

Now is definitely the time to address your gallbladder health.

We live in a strange time regarding your gallbladder for two reasons:

  1. Now that coronavirus is not something that’s happening on the opposite side of the world, but is something that affects our lifestyle directly, many of us want to steer as clear from the hospital as possible. We don’t want to have to go to the hospital for coronavirus, for any other reason or because of gallbladder pain. Luckily, most people with gallstones don’t have to because…
  2. We now live in a unique time where we have access to wisdom regarding what’s REALLY affecting your gallbladder that we can use to cure the gallbladder, not simply remove it. 

This is a relatively new wisdom that wasn’t available to everybody until the Fall of 2016, when The Medical Medium published his book. This information is literally decades ahead of traditional medicine. So trust me when I say that trying to get your doctor on board may be something that patients of open-minded doctors can do, but don’t count on your doctor to recommend a natural approach to gallbladder healing over getting gallstone surgery. They have been trained to recommend gallstone surgery the minute you tell them you’ve had gallbladder pain. And as a result, cholecystectomy, otherwise known as gallbladder removal surgery, is one of the most common surgeries.


I know, I know that what I’m about to ask may sound super wishy-washy, almost too good to be true, but WHAT IF removing your gallbladder WASN’T as necessary as doctors claim that it is?


It’s not just me who is starting to question how often doctors remove surgeries. Johns Hopkins University would agree because on April 3, 2017, they published the following article which you can read for yourself:


If you don’t want to read the article, I’ll summarize it for you using one of their OWN sentences they want you to Tweet out and share:


“Hopkins study: are we removing too many gallbladders?”


In their article they also mention people who opt to not get their gallbladder removed and they’re doing just fine 4+ years later. Although this study does say that more studies are needed, it offers a good question to ponder upon. 


As I was just sharing, you could live with gallstones for years, but if they don’t hurt, you and your doctor could potentially be perfectly fine with leaving your gallbladder in your body. But the minute you tell them symptoms that they diagnose as gallstones, then all of a sudden they think the gallbladder should be removed… especially after they run an ultrasound on you. 


You’ve heard the expression “all or nothing, right?” Why is that doctors go from being okay that you have gallbladder to making PAIN be the reason they want to extract it, and thus making you go from having a gallbladder to having “nothing?” In other words: Why is there no middle ground?


Imagine if this same premise happened with teeth. Imagine that the minute you felt the slightest toothache the doctor said, “That’s it! Let’s extract the tooth!” Wouldn’t you say some version, “WOAH, WOAH! Wait a second? Isn’t there another way?” 


Turns out there IS another way, and I’ll be sharing that with you in this course. 


“Rebel” Disclaimer


I’m a type A, who for the most part is willing to follow rules. 


My sister had her appendix removed when she was around four years old, so I KNOW that when some organs have to go, they have to go. 


I had ALWAYS followed my general doctor’s advice… but when I got a gallbladder surgery recommendation… and it was combined with a couple of other issues I’ll share with you in the course… I definitely said, “Woah, woah! There has to be another way.”


You’ve been blessed with a thing called intuition, and right now it’s working in your favor. It’s telling you right this second whether trying to become your own health expert is something that you think you can do or whether you prefer to give up all of your control to doctors and get your gallbladder removed. Choosing one path over the other is your own personal preference and it’s the best choice for you.


I know it takes courage to stand up to the advice of someone whom you think knows so much more than you do, like your general doctor. But the problem is that they don’t know about the CAUSES of many diseases much more than you do. They know how to do surgeries… but  the causes of the most common diseases are still a mystery to most doctors. Even in the case of gallbladders, there are a couple of medications but they themselves will be the first to tell you that the gallstone medications are not as effective and that of course, they have some side effects you would probably want to steer clear from. So why do you think they don’t have effective medications? Answer: They don’t actually know what the root cause of gallstones is.


If you’ve always been obedient (like I have most of my life)… I know that it’s easier to go to your default way of being and let doctors handle your medical issues completely. It’s easier to be complacent. It’s easier to not do your own research. What I recommend is that you keep an open line of communication with your doctor, that you do the tests that they need to give you a proper diagnosis and that you make an INFORMED decision whether you WANT to give up on the idea of having a gallbladder, which aids digestion, by the way, or if you want to change your habits so that you can KEEP IT.


More than feeling ashamed because you think you’re being a rebel, realize that you’re being a rebel WITH a cause because in this case, you’re trying to save your gallbladder.

And I can’t blame you for that. On the contrary, I admire you for that. And other people should, too… including your doctor. But ultimately, you’re not after people’s admiration, you’re after your vitality, and that’s what I want to help you attain. 


Health is within your reach and it’s closer than you think. Health is actually your natural state of being… so basically, it wants you to be healthy as much as you want it to be healthy.


Starting your healing now will allow you to:

  • Start feeling better starting today and get progressively better and better as you follow the guidance in this course.
  •  Potentially share with your doctor the progress you’re making. 
  • Start adopting lifestyle habits today even while you sleep so you can really leverage your time to start feeling better outside and inside.

If you wait, you’ll be in the same place you are now. 6 months from now or whenever you get another gallbladder attack, you’ll WISH you had started TODAY! 

I know you may be thinking, "I'm not sure if this course is something I can do"...

"I'm just starting out as someone who wants to heal naturally, is this right for me?"

YES! The 3 most important thing to heal naturally are:

  • A desire to heal
  • The belief that YOU CAN heal
  • The commitment to put in the work to make it happen

The best healing stories you hear don’t start with that person wanting to heal BEFORE they knew they were sick or showing great courage BEFORE being sick. The best healing stories you’ve heard of are from people who rose up to the occasion WHILE being sick and were able to transform their illness to health.


A requirement to healing ISN’T that you’ve been sick before many times or with dire illnesses and have proven to yourself that you can heal. The methods you used to heal in the past are in the past.


What you NOW need is to prove to yourself that you CAN heal, THIS TIME, with these gallstones, starting right now.


Whether you have proven to yourself in the past that you can be your best health advocate (with other illnesses) or are starting this hero’s journey for the very first time, I will take you through the almost surreal experiencing of being diagnosed with gallstones to being able to live your life pain-free and not worried about getting another gallbladder attack.


Even if you’re starting your natural healing journey right now,  this course is something YOU CAN DO.


I have a very specific plan for you to follow before the cleanse, during the cleanse and after the cleanse. But your taste and individuality does have a say in this process so you’ll feel that in some ways, this healing process is tailored to you because you’ll be becoming more and more of an expert on you… learning what works, what you can do more of, less of, what positively affects you and what negatively affects you.


You’re not “too beginner” for this course, you found it at just the right time, because it’s worth it to devote some time and energy to yourself. And it is POSSIBLE for you to eliminate your gallbladder pain, eliminate your gallstones and heal your gallbladder. It’s possible to do healing cleanses the RIGHT WAY, THE FIRST TIME.’’ 


There’s no need to struggle on your own. Start off with your desired outcome in mind, get an effective plan to get you there and you’ll be moving faster toward it right from the start. 

I’ve already done many cleanses in the past (so many that I’ve lost count), is this course right for me?

YES! Absolutely! If you’ve done cleanses it probably means that you already see the value of taking your health into your own hands, but now you want to HEAL so that you don’t have to do cleanses that often and have to redo them when you experience additional gallbladder pain or experience another gallbladder attack. 

Maybe you’ve done successful cleanses in the past, but now you know that this cleanse is not just a break from what you traditionally eat, but it’s an opportunity to reset your liver and gallbladder so that it gets rid of toxins that are preventing these two important organs from functioning to their maximum potential. 


Even if you have already done a cleanse before— we will take your health to the next level and improve how your liver not only interacts with your gallbladder, but with the rest of your organs, as well.


This course is ideal for people looking to scale their health by resetting the liver, which is in charge of orchestrating the way your organs interact to keep you healthy.

I know you may be thinking, "I'm not sure if this course is something I can do"...

I know you may be thinking, "I'm not sure if this course is something I can do"...

Gallbladder Healing School is perfect whether you’ve tried to heal yourself naturally or if this is your first time.

Who Is This For?

  • You may be a newbie to healing naturally, but you know this is what you are called to do – take more ownership of your health!
  • You are open to learning from me, who ISN’T a doctor, nurse, nutritionist, but rather a mom who got gallstones when one of my kids was recently born… and can teach you how to navigate living with gallstones more than a doctor who’s never had them can and more than an author who hasn’t experienced them.
  • You have done food cleanses in the past, but your results for healing your gallbladder with them have been nonexistent or lackluster. You need next-level health wisdom!
  • You already know your diagnosis but you want to address the cause and find the solution, not just put a bandaid on top of it.
  • You are committed to success. If you fall down, you get up again and keep going. You already know there is no magic wand I can wave at you and your gallstones will be magically gone  – YOU have to have a positive attitude while you remain firm in your desire, belief and commitment to heal!
  • You take complete and total personal responsibility for your results. No coach, course instructor or course is going to hand you results, you are solely responsible for how often you implement these tips and the results you get.
  • You see the benefits of being empowered by your health.

Who Is This Not For?

  • You blame circumstances and find excuses for why you can’t do something.
  • You have ZERO idea that nutrition, lifestyle and psychology can affect your health. You think that surgery and medications are always the answer.
  • You are expecting advice from a doctor, nurse or nutritionist. I’m none of these, but I still have a wealth of experience.
  • You are looking for someone to wave a magic wand. Unfortunately, there is no magic wand. Please do not join the course if you expect to heal with a wave a magic wand – there are none of those in life or in health.
  • You are looking for a quick fix. Everything takes time, especially getting the toxins that you’ve exposed yourself to for the number of decades you’ve been alive. 
  • You have a bad attitude and think you already know everything even though you don’t implement anything.

There's no need to piece this together on your own, just follow our 6-part framework for increased health.

I’ll guide you through exactly how to approach this healing journey and support you along the way.

Prepare Your Mind, and Your Life For Healing

I’ll help you zero in on the mentality you have to have to be open to healing in this natural way. You’ll feel confident that you’ve made the right decision to try to save your gallbladder. You’ll know that investing time and energy into yourself is worth it because you’re valuable. 

Start Alleviating Pain

You’ll start experiencing real results and feeling less and less pain as soon as you start implementing  these tips, throughout the next 24 hours when you learn about them, and every day afterward. One day you’ll be pain free and you won’t even realize the exact moment it happened. Seriously.

Prepare Your Fridge and Pantry For The Cleanse

I’ll share my favorite products with you that have been lifesavers in this journey and how to use them and when. 

I’ll also tell you what you’ll need to complete this cleanse. You’ll feel confident and excited about doing this cleanse, which even if you’re familiar with cleanses will be the easiest, most pleasant, most delicious, most gentle but effective cleanse you’ve EVER done. And that’s saying something.

Do The Cleanse

You’ll do the most up-to-date, innovative cleanse that is working for millions of people worldwide. You’ll be able to do it with the conviction that your sacrifices will be worth it, and that this cleanse is so awesome that it gives you a couple of choices here and there that will be beneficial to your body because you’ll be giving it what it most needs during those times.

Days After The Cleanse

I will be there to congratulate you at the finish line when you complete the course. (So excited for you already!!)

Life After The Cleanse

Using these strategies, by the end of this course, you’ll have the best cleanse you could have ever done under your belt. You’ll know what it requires to stay healthy.  What to do if you feel a gallbladder attack coming on. This will help you escape the fear and anguish of experiencing another gallbladder attack. You’ll feel free. You will be able to implement these strategies as often as needed and do the cleanse for maintenance when you feel you need it. Instead of tuning outside to feel better, you’ll be able to tune inside to know exactly which of these practices, products, foods or tips I teach you, most benefit you.

Our Dream Clients:

The self-motivated lady who believes in her ability to heal naturally and can’t wait to start.


The mom who has been feeling very tender (weak) but who has a HUGE WHY in her children and they are what inspires her to get better.


Ladies who haven’t been diagnosed with gallstones yet but who are taking this course as a way to proactively prevent gallstones.


Ladies who want to have a better understanding, more control and more autonomy over their health so that they can make the best decisions for themselves without being overly influenced by medical professionals. 


Ladies who’ve been searching and searching for an answer to their gallstone situation, have tried a few things, but still have faith that this course can heal them (because it can)


Ladies who know they could be healthier and actually heal their gallbladder if they just had someone to guide them along the way. 

Amazing ladies who are willing to do the the work and do whatever it takes to be well to live full lives with those whom they love most.

It’s time to heal by putting yourself first, at least for a while.

You already have the ability to heal naturally. We just need to unlock this power by reconnecting you with nature and with your own intuition to make choices that are consistently good for you. 


With restored health, you can move on to focusing on taking care of and loving others with your full being. 


But in order for that to happen, YOU HAVE TO put on the oxygen mask… otherwise, there may be no oxygen.

You’ve got two choices here….

Stay Stuck

You can keep on struggling, trying to figure out what healing remedies you need on your own with no guidance, training or support, hoping and praying that whatever you think will work will actually work. (But ask yourself, how’s that going for you, so far?)

Reach Your Goals

You can simply get the proven step-by-step system that I have used to heal my gallbladder, be free of pain, and not experience a gallbladder attack for more than two years and 9 months.

Think about your health goals.

Do you know exactly how you’re going to get there? 

Do you actually have a plan?

Stop guessing and stop wasting your time--- and the quality time you could be spending with your family and loved ones.
Stop worrying about every meal, every bite and every minute without a solution.

Let me help you heal your gallbladder so you can feel alive, more vibrant and more present with your family.

I’ll be looking for YOUR name in my list of students! 😉

No more excuses... you CAN do this.

“I don’t have enough time”

This excuse should now have a new meaning for you. I know that you’ve felt SO AWFUL that you’re scared of dying. And Heaven forbid, if that happened, that’s when you would be out of time. Right now, when for some reason in the Cosmos you found this course page and you’ve read this far…  you DO have time to make the right choice. And by allowing me (or your doctor, or anybody else whom you trust) to help you… you can GET more time. The most important thing is that you get the help you desire even if you don’t buy this course. But please, make up your mind and start doing what you can to live. Your family needs you.


The only way you are going to get the time (in life) that you so deeply desire is by prioritizing yourself and your health starting TODAY so that you have many more tomorrows. That’s the only way. Continuing to do what you’ve been doing up until now is NOT going to magically lead you to health. 


You’re looking for solutions because you NEED them. Don’t ignore that.

“I don’t have any idea what I can do to heal myself.”

Don’t worry. You DON’T need to know what to do yet. I will teach you what to do, how to do it, when to do it and why it’s important that you do it. I will also teach you to trust your own intuition to know when to use the tools that I teach you. Even if you feel worried, confused and overwhelmed right now, but you know deep in your gut that Gallbladder Healing School can help you, you should sign up for it.

“I’m scared, what if I can’t do this?”

You wanna know a secret? I get teary just thinking that you could be feeling this way… because I KNOW what it was like. 

I know what it’s like to not feel comfortable sitting, standing, laying down, reclining and where every movement takes so much effort. When you feel so weak, so lifeless, so fragile that you think this might be the end for you.


Being scared is not a pleasant feeling ever, especially when you’re scared of dying… of leaving your kids without a mom. Of leaving a significant void in the life of those who love you. Of wondering if your life is really that important to try to do a 360-degree turn on it. Of wondering if you’re really that important.


And I’m here to tell you with no ifs, buts or ands, that your life is THAT valuable and even more valuable than I can express. You don’t FULLY know what blessings you provide and void you’re filling, and need YOU ARE providing in the lives of others now and how important you’ll be for them in the future.


So if I can ask you for one favor, regardless of whether you buy this course or not, is that please don’t give up on yourself. Not now that it’s premature to give up on yourself. And not EVER.


You didn’t come THIS far in life to be taken down by some stones that fit in the palm of your hand. No way!


The people with the most amazing healing stories ALL felt scared at some point in their journey, especially right after the diagnosis. A diagnosis is an enormous unknown. It’s a super inconvenient curveball that life threw at you. And you think it’s a curse… but it’s not. It’s here to be addressed. Fully. Head-on. Not to be swept under the rug. 


And YOU have the courage to face it. Head on. 




By taking ACTION.


In order for you to not be standing at the beginning of a scary gallstone diagnosis, you have to step forward with courage to face it. If you want to get from the side of illness to the healing side of the bridge… you have to start walking. The more tiny steps you take, the easier and easier it will get— until one day, you will almost forget that you were feeling as scared and vulnerable as you’re feeling right now. It’ll be a memory… but NOT a painful sensation that you can feel in every cell of your being. You will transition from being disempowered regarding your own health to being empowered. And that my friend, is a whole different ball game! 🙂 


In the meantime, I’m sending you a squishy hug, which are my favorite types of hugs to give and to receive because I know that you need it. But don’t worry, I know your upper body is tender, so I’ll give it to you delicately. I just want you to know that you can count on me. =)

Hi, I’m Haydee and I’m OBSESSED with empathy. I know how nourishing and healing it is to offer it to others and to ourselves. I also know how needed it is, especially in times like these.

I’m an introvert who decided that it’s SUPER important now more than ever to extend a helping hand even while we’re socially distancing to people who suffer from this common, yet embarrassing condition called gallstones.

You’re probably thinking that you brought this condition upon yourself and most of the people in your inner circle don’t even know you have it. 

On the one hand, you know how much they hurt. LIke pretty much nothing you’ve ever experienced. On the other hand, you also know that there are people dealing with so many other conditions that are far worse.

But I’m here to ask you to please not minimize what you’re going through. It is VERY challenging. 

While part of me wishes that I had never EVER had gallstones, in a weird way, I’m thankful that I did because now I get to help YOU eliminate the pain, anguish and uncertainty they cause. And to eliminate them as well. 

I will teach you lifestyle hacks that nobody is teaching, along with a proven cleanse that millions of people have done.

Forget everything you THINK you know about cleanses and about resetting your body. You’re about to learn my very own lifestyle strategies for easing back into health in an empathic way.

I created Gallbladder Healing School because I am committed to making sure you have EVERYTHING you need to heal (and I mean EVERYTHING!).

I’m excited to hear about your healing stories and your life after gallstones. You DESERVE that success story and you DESERVE to have an even more vibrant life than you had before your gallstone diagnosis. Go claim what has naturally been wanting to be yours since the day you were born— go reclaim your HEALTH.

And when you’re feeling that great and working toward so many of your dreams, don’t forget to share your journey with me. 🙂

Sending Love and a Squishy Hug, 


Are You Ready To Let Me Help You?

Or are you gonna continue thinking that you can handle this all on your own?


When you purchase my product, you understand that there is no guarantee that you will achieve any particular outcome or result using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented. I make no promises or warranties concerning you or your loved one’s  likelihood of success, performance, future healing, health or results of any kind. You understand that with any health diagnosis there is an inherent risk, including loss of life or further loss of health and therefore you assume all responsibility for any such risk.